Hi friends,
It’s my 30th birthday and I’m so excited to welcome in this new decade of life, the best is yet to come (also read as: Hello future hubs & kids!!)!
- This year I’d like to “donate” my birthday to a future college student and welcome in this decade with some philanthropy. Fun fact: my sister and I were both Valedictorians of the same high school, but almost 10 years apart. We are starting a scholarship fund for Valedictorians from our former high school. To help amplify our impact: you can donate to this purpose and 100% will go to a student. Simply venmo me @msjadele with “The Le Sisters’ Valedictorian Fund” in the subject line.
- I’m experiencing the start of this new decade in sunny CA (mostly southern but occasionally northern too), but I must give a shout out to the last decade of my life in NYC and to those who were part of it. 20s/NYC you were great, thank you. Here’s also a ping to participate in my love to and from NYC (#ltfnyc) Hand-Written Letters Project via bit.ly/ltfnyc if you haven’t already done so--help me send you a snippet of our favorite NYC memories =)
- I made a goal to launch my personal website on my 30th birthday, and I did it! Check it out at bit.ly/msjadele. Would love your thoughts and feedback. You can also read more about the thoughts and purpose I had in mind when creating it via bit.ly/WhyWixBanner. I’ll likely also be writing a more detailed post on the process of creating the website for those who are curious, more to come later.
With gratitude & zest,
[tangent: the date on this post is not my 30th bday. The original post got deleted and had to repost to commemorate]